OBESE‘Nature provides for our need, not greed’
Over the years, we human beings have increased our appetite to raw materials has enormously grown. We human beings become very greedy when we have free access to certain things. A prolonged pattern of overconsumption leads to environmental degradation and the eventual loss of resource bases. It is the forest, who gives us life , the greenery makes our eyesight better, the one who provides food ,gives us shelter and we humans are those who don’t care about life, whether animals or plants. We cut down the natural resources, we fight back saying it isn’t a crime. So cruel are we that killing humans is known as murdering, while after killing a tree — we just call it cutting a filthy piece of wood. Killing a tree is absolutely the same as murdering, just taking away life from something or someone as after all, even trees have lives.

Concept & Styling: Kajal
Photography: Aditi Gupta
Models: Aryan Kholia & Hiya Dutta
MUA and Hair: Kalpana

